
Tickets share per category
  • Technical
  • Accounts
  • Other
Tickets share per agent
  • Andrew 154
  • Benjamin 154
  • Elijah 254
  • Chloe 854
  • Daniel 215

Support Ticket List

List of ticket opend by customers
ID Ope. by Cust. Email Sbuject Status Ass. to Date Action
1011 Sophia [email protected] How to customize the template? New Elijah 14-10-2018
1224 William [email protected] How to change colors Complete Benjamin 13-10-2018
1024 Jayden [email protected] How to set Horizontal nav Complete Andrew 13-10-2018
2124 Ethan [email protected] How this will connect with ethan Pending Andrew 12-10-2018
3124 Noah [email protected] How to set navigation Complete Andrew 12-10-2018
1611 Sophia [email protected] How to customize the template? New Elijah 14-10-2018
4224 William [email protected] How to change colors Complete Benjamin 13-10-2018
2524 Jayden [email protected] How to set Horizontal nav Complete Andrew 13-10-2018
7524 Ethan [email protected] How this will connect with ethan Pending Andrew 12-10-2018
4124 Noah [email protected] How to set navigation Complete Andrew 12-10-2018
1011 Mia [email protected] How to customize the template? New Elijah 14-10-2018
1224 Chloe [email protected] How to change colors Complete Benjamin 13-10-2018
8024 Chloe [email protected] How to set Horizontal nav Complete Andrew 13-10-2018
5124 Ethan [email protected] How this will connect with ethan Pending Andrew 12-10-2018
3144 Noah [email protected] How to set navigation Complete Andrew 12-10-2018
1621 Sophia [email protected] How to customize the template? New Elijah 14-10-2018
4724 William [email protected] How to change colors Complete Benjamin 13-10-2018
2594 Jayden [email protected] How to set Horizontal nav Complete Andrew 13-10-2018
7524 Ethan [email protected] How this will connect with ethan Pending Andrew 12-10-2018
4124 Noah [email protected] How to set navigation Complete Andrew 12-10-2018
Mayra Sibley

2 Hours

Hi there, I'm Jesse and you?

3 minutes

My name is Anne Clarc.
Mayra Sibley

40 seconds

Nice to meet you Anne.
How can i help you?